Sunday, November 28, 2010

Free credit report - No strings attached

My Personal Finance professor at the MBA program at USF told the class about a website that allows you to get a free credit report. Wait, what was that? Did you say that a ton of sites do that? Well this one (unlike the rest) doesn't force you to buy a subscription of something you don't want. Yes, that's right its stringless!

Here is the website:

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The clouds are coming! No, I'm serious I see the clouds coming from Alaska.

Wanna be your own weatherman? See the storm before it hits and impress your friends with satellite information from

Note: Be sure to check the "Satellite" box on the lower left.

Is Netflix recommending shitty movies?

Well then I have a website for you. Rotten Tomatoes analyzes a diversified set of critics reviews and labels each one as positive or negative. Then they give you the percentage of positive reviews the movie had. I too was skeptical of this system but I have yet to watch a bad movie with 80% or higher positive reviews.

I like going to the rental domination list to see which movies just came out on DVD. Go here to check it out:

I love fishies, but my body hates mercury.

I bet you've heard that fish is good for you because it has omega-3s. I bet you've also heard that fish is bad for you because it has mercury. Are all fish created equal? No way! Some are better than others. Stay away from shark and swordfish because they are high in mercury. But Salmon...go nuts! For more detail go to the website itself: